Get the most out of your Instagram posts.
Instagram is a powerful platform for marketing in the real estate industry and we see a lot of posts with bad-quality photos. Real estate agents or firms get their pictures back from their real estate photographers and when they upload them to Instagram they don’t look have the same quality. Luckily it’s an easy fix.
The simple answer is airdropping them from your computer to your phone. By AirDropping this way, there will no loss in image quality. Then make sure you use the un crop button in Instagram to have the right aspect ratio of the photo.
If you’re not sure how to airdrop to your phone or post multiple photos in the correct aspect ratio see the step-by-step process below.
First When you receive your photos back and download load them to your computer. Find the folder where they are stored. Here it’s located on my desktop.
Second, open the folder and select which photos you want to send to you phone. Hit control and click on the selected images. You will see a side menu pop up, select share, then click on AirDrop.
Third, make sure your phone is open and select your phone in the airdrop prompt.
Now they should be sent to your phone’s photo library and are ready to upload to Instagram (image 1). When you first start your post the image will be shown in a crop preview (image 2). Tap the un crop button (image 3), hit the blue button for multiple images (image 4), and select what images you would like to post, in order. Write your caption and hashtags, click share to Facebook (if you want to) hit share (image 5) and watch the likes come in.